Car Care Tips For Rookie Vehicle Owners

You may have driven your parent’s vehicle for a long time and know all there is to know about driving. However, that doesn’t mean you will be a great vehicle owner when you have one of your own. Taking care of a vehicle is a big responsibility that will require significant investments of time, money and lots and lots of attention. So, how can you make sure your car goes on performing great for a long time without any unexpected breakdowns? Here are a few things that you can do to accomplish this objective as a rookie vehicle owner.

Clean Your Car, Inside And Outside!
This is perhaps the most basic form of car care which will bring a plethora of benefits towards you if implemented properly. The paint covering the outer body of your automobile is one of its most important and value-adding aspects and you must always protect it from the damages that could be caused by the external environment. By giving it a proper washing once every two weeks with the use of an effective car-washing liquid, you can get rid of any dirt, grime or acidic residue that can potentially damage the delicate paint surface and shield it from future exposure.
Keeping the inside of your car is equally important as the accumulation of dust, sand or any other unwanted substances inside the vehicle can lead to serious problems over time. Also, everyone who steps inside will get to see how messy you are, which is just embarrassing. Use brushes, cleaning clothes and vacuum cleaners to clean the insides on a regular basis.
Record Maintenance And Save Receipts
Maintenance is quite obviously very important to all vehicles and sticking to a schedule and getting the right things done at the right time is always critical. When getting any maintenance work done, it is always better to have a record of all the upgrades and repairs you have made before, so that the task will become much simpler. For instance, imagine a situation where you are required to look for a new chrome grill for your car and want to determine whom you are going to purchase the product from. If you’ve kept records and saved the receipts of the vendors who sold similar parts to you before, you will find the part you need easily without spending too much time browsing the entire market for quality products.
Tire Care
Both tire pressure and tire rotation are important for your automobile’s efficient performance and disregarding these can give rise to serious problems. The wrong tire pressure can lead to problems related to brakes, stability, gas mileage and the occasional flat tires. Therefore, be mindful of your vehicle’s tire pressure and tend to it regularly.

Also important is the regular rotation of the tires in order to make sure that when they wear, they wear evenly and provides that much-needed stability to your ride. This will also enable you to take the maximum usage of your tires rather having to replace the one that gets worn the most frequently.